Transatlantic workshop on responsible internationalisation and research security
On 18 November 2024, STINT and the US National Science Foundation (NSF) organised a workshop on responsible internationalisation and research security at House of Sweden in Washington, DC. This workshop followed up on the meeting held in Stockholm in November 2022....
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Please note that the application for this program has passed. Below, you’ll find information from the last call.
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Teaching Sabbatical
STINT’s Teaching Sabbatical programme aims to develop both individuals and institutions. By giving Swedish researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching rather than their research roles, STINT wants to contribute to educational renewal and the creation of new networks. Great emphasis is placed on the added value of the stay abroad, which is why STINT encourages candidates to seek new international experiences.
STINT collaborates with selected universities and colleges based in Botswana, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the USA. These represent a diversity of institutions committed to quality education in their respective regions of the world. Participating fellows will reside at the host institution during the entire autumn semester (August to December). They should teach, either by giving a course themselves or by co-teaching with a colleague at the host institution.
Nominations to the programme must be submitted by the vice-chancellor of the Swedish higher education institution (HEI); lecturers cannot apply directly to this programme. The experiences of participating lecturers should lead to change and renewal at Swedish departments and HEIs. Great emphasis is therefore placed on the involvement of HEI leaderships. Nominees must hold a doctorate degree (or equivalent), and must be employed by and well established at a Swedish HEI. Fellows must take a full leave of absence during their stay abroad. The exact amounts of the awarded fellowships and any grants for accompanying partners/dependants are determined by STINT.
Swedish higher education institutions wishing to participate in the programme in 2024 must submit their nominations through STINT’s application system no later than 15:00 CEST on 16 September 2024.
Partner institutions for
Teaching Sabbaticals
Lecturers awarded fellowships will spend the autumn semester at one of the following host institutions:
Amherst College
Arizona State University
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore*
National University of Singapore*
The Chinese University of Hong Kong*
The Ohio State University
The University of Texas at Austin
University of Botswana
University of California Berkeley
University of California Los Angeles
University of Tokyo (PEAK)*
Williams College
* Not suitable for families with school-age children due to limited availability of suitable school places.
The portfolio of partner institutions may be subject to change.
Emilie Sörås Antila
+46 8 671 19 95
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