STINT funds the establishment of two research groups on responsible internationalisation
To enhance the understanding of responsible internationalisation, STINT’s board of directors has decided to...
STINT’s response to the Swedish Council for Higher Education’s report on responsible internationalisation
STINT has submitted its consultation response to the interim report on the government assignment to promote...
Academic internationalisation outlook #1: China’s data protection laws and their implications for research collaborations
STINT is launching a new report format, Academic internationalisation outlook, in which shorter thematic articles...
News Archive
How international are Swedish universities? New data from STINT
STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, annually publishes an index indicating how...
STINT index both measures and enhances internationalisation
STINT index both measures and enhances internationalisation A way of both understanding and explaining the internationalisation of higher...
Seminar on responsible internationalisation on the 23rd of March is postponed
Because of the present situation with COVID-19, STINT will postpone the seminar to a later date. Further information will be provided at a later...
Focus on geopolitical tensions and global challenges at STINT’s AIEA conference panel in Washington
On 18 February 2020, STINT organised a panel at the AIEA conference in Washington, DC. The panel focused on international research...