Asset management

In 1994, STINT was given an endowment of SEK 1.057 billion. Since its inception and up to December 2020, STINT has awarded SEK 1.921 billion in scholarships and grants, including reimbursements of travel costs. A total of SEK 2.127 billion has been paid out, including administration and asset management costs. At the end of the 2020 financial year, STINT’s assets had a market value of SEK 799 million.

STINT’s asset management is handled on behalf of the Board by an Asset Management Committee, comprising the government-appointed board member with expertise in asset management and two external experts. STINT’s asset management is governed by the investment rules set in the investment policy adopted by the Board.

STINT’s endowment must be managed satisfactorily, with limited exposure to risk, and must ensure the possibility of a good rate of return. This is expected to be achieved through professional management of the financial risks as part of the ongoing running of STINT, mainly through diversification within and across asset classes, markets and issuers. The administrative direction has to consider STINT’s plans regarding its remaining lifespan and commitments.

STINT’s Asset Management Committee comprises:

Chair, Mr Jan Lindman, Treasurer of the Court, Royal Court

Dr Gunnar Dahlfors, Investment Solutions, Mercer

Mr Hans Peterson, Senior Macro Strategist, ABG

Business proposals and presentations to the Asset Management Committee may be sent to: