A knowledge resource and funder for internationalisation
STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, was set up by the Swedish Government in 1994 with the mission to internationalise Swedish higher education and research.
STINT promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalisation and invests in internationalisation projects proposed by researchers, educators and leaderships at Swedish universities.
STINT promotes internationalisation as an instrument to:
- Enhance the quality of research and higher education
- Increase the competitiveness of universities
- Strengthen the attractiveness of Swedish universities
STINT’s mission is to encourage renewal within internationalisation through new collaboration forms and new partners. For example, STINT invests in young researchers’ and teachers’ international collaborations. Moreover, STINT’s ambition is to be a pioneer in establishing strategic cooperation with emerging countries in research and higher education.
“We provide support and tools for strategic internationalisation to Swedish universities”
Internationalisation has gone from being an added extra in research and higher education to a complex necessity. Andreas Göthenberg, STINT’s Executive Director, sees both opportunities and challenges for Swedish higher education institutions.
“Internationalisation is at least as important now as it was when STINT was founded in 1994, but it has developed from being regarded as an added value into a strategic tool that needs to permeate university operations.”
Andreas Göthenberg has been STINT’s Executive Director since 2009 and here he shares his thoughts on how Sweden can keep abreast of developments.

Contact us
Phone: +46 8 671 19 90
Fax: +46 8 671 19 99
Email: info@stint.se
Postal address/Visiting address: STINT, Wallingatan 2, SE-111 60 Stockholm, Sweden
For questions regarding the final report, please contact your programme manager.
Invoice address: faktura@stint.se
Registration number: 802400-3512
Our Team
Dr Andreas Göthenberg
Executive Director
+46 8 671 19 91
CV and Press Photos
Yadira Rojas
Finance Director
+46 8 671 19 94
Mattias Löwhagen
Senior Programme Manager
IT Manager
+46 8 671 19 96
– STINT International Postdoc
– Mobility Grants for Internationalisation
– Grants for Internationalisation Research
– STINT Science Fellows
– Discontinued Programmes
Emilie Sörås Antila
Programme Manager and
Project Coordinator
+46 8 671 19 95
– Strategic Grants for Internationalisation
– Teaching Sabbatical
Dr Erik Forsberg
Representative in China and APAC
Associate Professor
+86 186 588 930 06