Expression of interest

STINT Science Fellows​

The STINT Science Fellows programme aims to enhance Swedish research and higher education through trend analysis and strategic relationship building focused on science policy.

The programme offers the opportunity to stay at a Swedish overseas representation or a science academy located outside the EU/EFTA/UK for at least a year to focus on relevant issues in the area of science and higher education. By giving higher education institutions and research funders new knowledge, new networks, and a better basis for decision-making, STINT Science Fellows bolster the strategic internationalisation of Swedish academia.

STINT gives each Science Fellow a personal grant of SEK 1 million per year for a two-year stay abroad. An additional contribution of SEK 100 000 per family member and year may be awarded for up to two accompanying family members.

If you are interested in the opportunity to be a STINT Science Fellow, please submit an expression of interest to An expression of interest should be a maximum of one A4 in length and include a short description of yourself and your background, where you would like to be stationed as a science fellow, and the issues you want to focus on.

STINT processes expressions of interest on an ongoing basis. Candidates deemed to have good potential are invited to submit full applications.


Mattias Löwhagen
+46 8 671 19 96


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