Globally, more and more countries offer high-quality research and education. Through this call for applications, STINT wants to encourage academic partnerships with higher education institutions in Africa. The aim of the call is to contribute to the development of new, mutually beneficial collaborations in research and/or higher education.
The internationalisation of higher education and research is primarily based on dedicated, long-term efforts. However, sometimes being able to act quickly when an opportunity arises is vital, and therefore we now offer Africa – Initiation Grants for Internationalisation. The call makes available mobility grants to develop new and strategically important international relations with higher education institutions in Africa.
Collaborations must be balanced and lead to mutual benefits and mobility in both directions. Since several ongoing activities are already related to collaborations with South Africa, we particularly welcome applications regarding collaborations with other African countries.
This call is co-funded by the Swedish Research Council.
More information on the Africa – Initiation Grants for Internationalisation call»