STINT is continuing its promotion of academic cooperation with China and increased understanding of Chinese knowledge systems. Dr Tommy Shih, associate professor at Lund University, has therefore been recruited as STINT’s China Policy Advisor and Programme Manager, while Dr Erik Forsberg, associate professor at Zhejiang University, has been appointed STINT’s representative in China.
Since 2013, they have been working in a number of projects related to China’s higher education and research systems. Dr Shih has particularly focused on interaction between universities, companies and public-sector actors. Dr Forsberg has long experience of developing and managing international university partnerships and has been working in China for almost ten years.
“Our new staff members’ long and thorough experience of both the Swedish and the Chinese research and higher education systems adds to our competence and presence in China, with the aim of enhancing Swedish trend analysis in the area,” says Dr Andreas Göthenberg, STINT’s Executive Director.
Higher education and research have developed rapidly in China. Today the country has the second highest research production in the world, after the USA. This development will lead to more Swedish university partnerships with China, with the aim of advancing Swedish research and higher education. This will require improved Swedish capacity to take a broad view on how Chinese developments also affect the Swedish research and education systems and how strategic partnerships can be created.
STINT aims to promote internationalisation, while cooperation with China has gained importance. Against this backdrop, taking a clear role as a knowledge node in the Swedish system regarding higher education and research in China is in line with current strategies. The aim of this initiative is to provide support that can enhance Swedish higher education institutions’ strategies, activities and networks in relation to China, by providing knowledge and skills to Swedish higher education institutions and research funding bodies regarding China’s higher education and research development.
Activities in China will take place in close partnership with the Swedish Consulate General in Shanghai and the Embassy in Beijing, as well as Swedish higher education institutions and research funding bodies.
Since 2015, STINT has provided the largest programme for research cooperation between Sweden and China. The programme, which is co-funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), supports 75 three-year research projects between the countries and is STINT’s largest single programme.
An annual call is open for applications between July and September.

Erik Forsberg, STINT’s representative in China and associate professor at Zhejiang University.
Photo: Camilla Svensk

Tommy Shih, China Policy Advisor and Programme Manager at STINT and associate professor at Lund University
Photo: Camilla Svensk