STINT has conducted a study of researcher mobility at 28 Swedish higher education institutions. It provides new and detailed data on how researchers move between institutions, nationally and internationally.
The analysis confirms the positive impact of mobility on publication quality and it shows how the mobility pattern differs among the 28 HEIs in Sweden.
During the seminar, STINT will launch this unique study, which has been made together with Elsevier.
In addition, Annika Pontén, Acting University Chancellor, Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), Eva Malmström, Chair, Expert Group for Internationalization, The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF), and Queenie Lam-Schöch, Project Manager, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) will provide other examples of mobility initiatives and their results.
December 9, 2016, 10:00-12:00
Sheraton, Haga Room 2, Tegelbacken 6, Stockholm

Registration and coffee starts at 9:30. The seminar is free of charge.

Please register to
Agneta Granlund
on December 7, latest.

The number of seats are limited.